Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Following on from the last couple of articles by Tony Heywood in the 2mm Newsletter we have also decided to start a blog to show the 2mm community the progress we are making. One of  main reasons for creating the blog is that once we are ready to exhibit, unfortunately, because of logistics we will only be able to exhibit the layout in Scotland. As mentioned by Tony the layout is the late Neil Ballantine's  Dunallander, but is essentially Dunblane . The buildings are being built by our resident architect, Mike Rasmussen and following a photographic trip by Mike and Roy Bremner to Dunblane, Mike has made great progress on these and hopefully Mike will be submitting an article on his excellent buildings to the 2mm Magazine. We are not alone in this project and have had some great help from the Forth and Clyde Group as seen by Jim Watt's superb model of the Dunblane footbridge which is shown below and was recently in the 2mm Magazine. The real footbridge is now preserved at the Bridge of Dun on the Brechin Railway.  We would also like to extend our thanks to Aberdeen Model Railway Club for all their help and allowing us to exhibit Dunallander as a 'Work in Progress' layout on the 26th & 27th October this year. The following photographs are of the buildings Mike is currently working on, some of which even have interior detail.

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